Are Wide Gaps Between My Teeth Unhealthy?

The gap left behind by a missing tooth is not ideal for your oral health. Teeth adjacent to this gap will tend to drift in to fill the void, which compromises your bite and encourages a loss of bone structure in your jaw. This is why it is important to have a lost tooth replaced by an effective dental implant.

But what about smaller gaps, like the ones existing between two teeth that are just a bit further apart than they should be? Some people fear that such gaps may make them more susceptible to tooth decay. The good news is that this is a myth; actually, since it is easier to clean between these teeth, you may actually be less likely to get a cavity than if your teeth were too close together.

Unfortunately, if the gaps between your teeth are too big, it probably means that they’re crooked. One tooth may be crowding another, or drifting into the space left behind by a missing tooth. Talk to your dentist to learn more, and visit Bellevue Dental Implants for all of your implant needs.