Conditions that Make Dental Implant Surgery Risky
There are medical situations that are absolutely contraindicated for dental implants, meaning implants can’t be considered for certain patients. There are those that are relative contraindications, meaning dental implants may be considered only after a specific problem has been solved; and those that are locally contraindicated, where implants may be considered only by taking extra precautions regarding problems involving the mouth or jaws. Note that the last one is not systemic in nature, but local.
Those who are definitely not for dental implants are those with major allergies, in particular, allergy to dental anesthesia. Another condition is the young age of the patient, when not enough space is available in the growing arch and that implantation will have to be repeated upon full growth of the dental arch bone. Otherwise, implants may be considered by as early as age 17.
The following conditions are relative contraindications until the condition is removed, managed, or have passed: smoking, drug addiction, and alcoholism, uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, and other diseases like severe sinusitis and HIV, are risky due to the high incidence of post-operative infection and longer healing time. Others are pregnancy, patients taking blood thinners, and untreated psychiatric or psychological problems.
Local contraindications, with special precautions, include: insufficient alveolar bone density or volume, insufficient gum quality and/or quantity (like presence of periodontal disease), and teeth grinding or clenching. The unfavorable position of the lower alveolar nerve may cause paralysis if damaged and if the maxillary sinus anatomy is not favorable, perforation can occur. Others are poor oral hygiene or tooth infection near the site of the implant, mouth lesions, and malocclusion that needs orthodontic treatment first.
Refer Implants Only to Specialists
Know that only a specialist can accurately assess the eligibility of patients for dental implants. We at Overlake Dental have been experienced practitioners of safe Implant Dentistry.